Amal Ghandour

Amal Ghandour

Amal Ghandour’s career spans more than three decades in the fields of research and communication. She is the author of About This Man Called Ali and a former blogger (Thinking Fits). In 2003, She made a conscious decision to devote more time to writing, much later than she would have liked. This Arab Life is her second book.  

Summarized from her memoir: In 1962 her family moved from Lebanon to Jordan when she was just five months old. She left Jordan earlier than her college bound Jordanian friends to do her last two years of High School at Holton Arms in Maryland. She attended Georgetown University’s Foreign Service School for her Bachelor’s Degree (BSc.) and, three years later, to Stanford University for her Master’s Degree (MSc.), studying International Policy.  


Karen Foster - Reasons for Waking


Erica Ginsberg - Creative Resilience: Reclaiming Your Power as an Artist